Reason To Start Martial Arts


Martial artshave become a global phenomenon nowadays and invigorates a person with values, wisdom, discipline, and a new world view.

There are various reasons to start martial arts. Some of the martial arts benefits are:

  1. INCREASED CONFIDENCE–  Learning martial arts at any age can be a huge booster to confidence of a person. Practicing, improving and succeeding at a skill improves self-image and gives participants a great confidence that helps them succeed in other areas and ventures.
  2. INCREASED FLEXIBILITY-  Repetitive movements like high kicks, footwork and ground maneuvering improve flexibility and mobility of a person which will benefit overall health in martial art fitness exercises. Increased flexibility improves posture, increase freedom of movement and ability to relax mind and body of a person.
  3. BETTER COORDINATION – All martial art training require spatial awareness and movement with another person which results in better coordination.
  4. SELF DEFENSE SKILLS-  Learning martial arts improves ability to perform self-defense maneuvers in situations where there is a real danger. Our martial arts academy in Dehradun can prepare a person and their children to defend themselves in life-threatening and dangerous situations.
  5. IMPROVED MENTAL STAMINA – Aerobic exercise (like martial arts) produces a physical change in the brain of a person that promotes better memory and learning skills. It improves the reflexes of the mind and body.
  6. WEIGHT LOSS AND STRENGTH-  Martial art classes help to reduce weight and provides strength to the body and relieves stress.
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